PC World Komputer 2010 April
Ultra Explorer
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// Doc-O-Matic(R) 5 script file.
// Copyright (C) 2000-2006 by toolsfactory software inc.
// http://www.toolsfactory.com
// http://www.doc-o-matic.com
// Distribution permitted as part of browser-based
// Help systems generated by Doc-O-Matic(R).
// Available variables which are resolved when Doc-O-Matic use the file:
// retrieves a variable from the search string
function getStringVar(varname) {
var searchstr = document.location.search;
var varidx = searchstr.indexOf(varname);
if(varidx >= 0) {
var startpos = varidx + varname.length +1;
searchstr = searchstr.substring(startpos, searchstr.length);
var nextpos = searchstr.length;
if (searchstr.indexOf('&') >= 0) {
nextpos = searchstr.indexOf('&');
searchstr = searchstr.substring(0, nextpos);
} else {
searchstr = '';
return unescape(searchstr);
// searches the entire frameset and returns
// the frame with name frmname
function findFrame(w, frmname) {
var res = null;
if (frmname != '') {
res = w.frames[frmname];
// if it's not in the current window
// search the sub-frames
if (res == null) {
var L = w.frames.length;
var i;
for (i = 0; i < L; i++) {
res = findFrame(w.frames[i], frmname);
if (res != null) {
} else {
result = this;
return res;
// loads frame frmname with frmfile
function fillFrame(frmname, frmfile) {
var theframe = findFrame(top, frmname);
if (theframe != null) {
return true;
// Called when the frameset file is loaded.
// Loads the framefile passed on the
// search string into the frame also passed
// on the search string
function loadTopicFrame() {
var frmname = getStringVar('frmname');
var frmfile = getStringVar('frmfile');
if ((frmname != '') && (frmfile != '')) {
fillFrame(frmname, frmfile);
return true;
var called = false;
// ensures the current file is displayed within
// a frameset, if not loads the frame set which
// loads the file itself into the frameset.
function loadFrameSetOrTitle(framesetfile, targetframe, topicfile)
if (!called) {
called = true;
if (self == top) {
top.location.replace(framesetfile + '?frmname=' + escape(targetframe) + '&frmfile=' + escape(topicfile));
return true;
// shows or hides a DIV based on whether
// it's visible or not. Also toggles the corresponding
// expand/collaps graphic.
function internalToggleVisibilityEx2(theDocument, imgID, divID, storeVisibilityState, storeID, forceHide, forceShow, imgplussrc, imgminussrc)
var div = theDocument.getElementById(divID);
var img = theDocument.getElementById(imgID);
if (div != null) {
// Unfold the branch if it isn't visible
if (((!forceHide) || forceShow) && (div.style.display == 'none')) {
if (img != null) {
img.src = imgminussrc;
div.style.display = '';
// store the state so we can recreate it
if (storeVisibilityState) {
saveVisibilityState(storeID, true);
// Collapse the branch if it IS visible
} else if (!forceShow) {
if (img != null) {
img.src = imgplussrc;
div.style.display = 'none';
// store the state so we can recreate it
if (storeVisibilityState) {
saveVisibilityState(storeID, false);
function internalToggleVisibilityEx(imgID, divID, storeVisibilityState, storeID, forceHide, forceShow, imgplussrc, imgminussrc)
internalToggleVisibilityEx2(document, imgID, divID, storeVisibilityState, storeID, forceHide, forceShow, imgplussrc, imgminussrc);
// toggles the visibility of divID and
// changes the img accordingly.
function toggleVisibilityTOC(imgID, divID)
internalToggleVisibilityEx(imgID, divID, false, "", false, false, "btn_toc_expand.gif", "btn_toc_collapse.gif");
function toggleVisibilitySection(imgID, divID)
internalToggleVisibilityEx(imgID, divID, false, "", false, false, "btn_expand_large.gif", "btn_collapse_large.gif");
// toggles the visibility of an item identified
// by storeID. To get the corresponding img
// and div ids, storeID is prefixed by
// "img" and "div".
function toggleVisibilityStored(storeID)
var imgID = "img" + storeID;
var divID = "div" + storeID;
internalToggleVisibilityEx(imgID, divID, true, storeID, false, false, "btn_expand_large.gif", "btn_collapse_large.gif");
function isCorrespondingTOCItem(href, topicfile)
var result = false;
var pathidx = href.lastIndexOf("/");
var filename = "";
if (pathidx >= 0) {
filename = href.substring(pathidx+1, href.length);
if (filename == topicfile) {
result = true;
return result;
function expandTOC(framedoc, element)
var baseid = "";
var outerdiv = null;
var pelement = element.parentNode;
while (pelement != null) {
if ((pelement.tagName == "DIV") && (pelement.id.substring(0, 3) == "div")) {
baseid = pelement.id.substring(3, pelement.id.length);
outerdiv = pelement;
pelement = pelement.parentNode;
if ((baseid != "") && (outerdiv != null)) {
// expand the div if necessary
internalToggleVisibilityEx2(framedoc, "img" + baseid, "div" + baseid, false, "", false, true, "btn_toc_expand.gif", "btn_toc_collapse.gif");
// expand outer divs
expandTOC(framedoc, outerdiv);
return true;
// ensures element is scrolled into view
// so it's visible on the page.
function ensureTOCEntryVisible(framedoc, element)
var pos = 0;
var scrollelement;
var id = "areascroll";
// first see if we have a scroll area div
scrollelement = framedoc.getElementById(id);
if (scrollelement == null) {
scrollelement = framedoc.body;
if (scrollelement != null) {
var delta = 0;
var viewtop = scrollelement.scrollTop + scrollelement.offsetTop;
var viewbottom = viewtop + scrollelement.offsetHeight;
var scrollbarheight = 30;
// the bottom-scrollbar's area is included in offsetHeight, so we have
// to subtract a appropriate amount to account for that
if (viewbottom > (scrollbarheight * 2)) {
viewbottom = viewbottom - scrollbarheight;
var elementtop = element.offsetTop;
if (navigator.family == 'ie4') {
elementtop = elementtop + scrollelement.offsetTop;
var elementbottom = elementtop + element.offsetHeight;
if (elementtop < viewtop) {
delta = (elementtop - viewtop);
} else if (elementbottom > viewbottom) {
delta = (elementbottom-viewbottom);
if (delta != 0) {
scrollelement.scrollTop = scrollelement.scrollTop + delta;
var currentTOCHighlightEntry = null;
var currentTOCHighlightEntryClass = "";
// hightlights the TOC entry that has been scrolled
// into view.
function highlightTOCEntry(framedoc, element)
if (framedoc.currentTOCHighlightEntry != null) {
framedoc.currentTOCHighlightEntry.className = framedoc.currentTOCHighlightEntryClass;
framedoc.currentTOCHighlightEntry = null;
framedoc.currentTOCHighlightEntryClass = "";
if (element != null) {
var newclassname = "";
if (element.className == "Element860") {
newclassname = "Element874";
} else if (element.className == "Element862") {
newclassname = "Element875";
if (newclassname != "") {
framedoc.currentTOCHighlightEntry = element;
framedoc.currentTOCHighlightEntryClass = element.className;
element.className = newclassname;
// searches for a link to topicfile in the TOC and
// highlights the corresponding node in the tree.
function synchTOC(topicfile)
var frm = findFrame(top, "");
var links = null;
var idx;
var toctreeid = "toctree";
var treeroot;
if (frm != null) {
treeroot = frm.document.getElementById(toctreeid);
if (treeroot != null) {
links = treeroot.getElementsByTagName("a");
for (idx=0; idx < links.length; idx++) {
if (isCorrespondingTOCItem(links[idx].href, topicfile)) {
expandTOC(frm.document, links[idx]);
ensureTOCEntryVisible(frm.document, links[idx]);
highlightTOCEntry(frm.document, links[idx]);
return true;
// Copies the content of the element identified by ID
// to the clipboard. Works with Internet Explorer only.
function CopyElementToClipboard(ID)
var element = document.getElementById(ID);
if (element != null) {
window.clipboardData.setData("Text", element.innerText);
// Popup and Fixed Header
// support functions
// Returns a rectangle object initialized
// with the given parameters.
function Rectangle(left, top, width, height)
this.left = left;
this.top = top;
this.width = width;
this.height = height;
// Hides or shows a popup element
function setElementVisible(element, v) {
if (v) {
element.style.visibility = "visible";
} else {
element.style.visibility = "hidden";
// This function fills a rectange structure (r) with
// the window coordinates of the page client area
function getWindowClientArea(r)
if (navigator.family == 'ie4') {
r.left = document.body.scrollLeft;
} else {
r.left = window.pageXOffset;
if (navigator.family == 'ie4') {
r.top = document.body.scrollTop;
} else {
r.top = window.pageYOffset;
r.width = window.document.body.clientWidth;
if (!r.width) {
r.width = window.innerWidth;
if (!r.width) {
r.width = window.outerWidth;
r.height = window.document.body.clientHeight;
if (!r.height) {
r.height = window.innerHeight;
if (!r.height) {
r.height = window.outerHeight;
// Returns the absolute X coordinate of an element
// Source: DHTML Lab
function getRealLeft(theElement) {
xPos = theElement.offsetLeft;
tempEl = theElement.offsetParent;
while (tempEl != null) {
xPos += tempEl.offsetLeft;
tempEl = tempEl.offsetParent;
return xPos;
// Returns the absolute Y coordinate of an element
// Source: DHTML Lab
function getRealTop(theElement) {
yPos = theElement.offsetTop;
tempEl = theElement.offsetParent;
while (tempEl != null) {
yPos += tempEl.offsetTop;
tempEl = tempEl.offsetParent;
return yPos;
// This gets the extent of the given object
function getElementBounds(element, rect)
if (typeof element.offsetLeft != 'undefined') {
rect.left = getRealLeft(element);
rect.top = getRealTop(element);
rect.width = element.offsetWidth;
rect.height = element.offsetHeight;
} else {
rect.left = 0;
rect.top = 0;
rect.width = 0;
rect.height = 0;
// Sets the x/y coordinates and the popup width but
// not the height, which auto-adjusts to the content.
function setElementBounds(element, rect)
element.style.left = rect.left + "px";
element.style.top = rect.top + "px";
element.style.width = rect.width + "px";
element.style.height = ""; //rect.height + "px";
// Browser dependent GetElementById version
function findElement(id)
var ie = document.all;
if (ie) {
return document.all(id);
} else {
return document.getElementById(id);
// Popup Functions
var hidetimer = null; // Helper timer. During the lifetime
// of this timer OnMouseDown events
// from the body will be ignored
var closetimer = null; // Timer used to close a popup upon
// mouse click. Since the mouse click
// could be on a link, the browser would
// not load the target if we remove the
// popup immediately.
var thePopup = null; // Holds the popup element, if one is active
// Fired when the hidetimer expires, simply
// deactivates and initializes the timer
// which signals that Body.OnMouseDown events
// will be processed.
function activateOnHide()
hidetimer = null;
// Shows a popup div
// Parameters:
// trigger - Element triggering the popup action. The
// popup will be aligned on the lower left
// edge of the TriggerElement.
// divid - The id of the DIV element that contains
// the popup content.
function showPopup(trigger, divid)
// if there is a popup visible at the
// moment, we need to close it.
if (thePopup != null) {
thePopup = findElement(divid);
if (thePopup == null)
var clientarea = new Rectangle;
var popuprect = new Rectangle;
var triggerrect = new Rectangle;
getElementBounds(thePopup, popuprect);
getElementBounds(trigger, triggerrect);
// set the initial size, the height
// will adjust automatically
popuprect.left = 0;
popuprect.top = triggerrect.top + triggerrect.height;
popuprect.width = clientarea.width / 2;
setElementBounds(thePopup, popuprect);
// check if the popup is taller than
// the client area and reset it in that
// case
getElementBounds(thePopup, popuprect);
var maxheight = clientarea.height - popuprect.top - 20;
if ((maxheight > 0) && (popuprect.height > maxheight)) {
thePopup.style.overflow = "auto";
thePopup.style.height = maxheight;
// show it
setElementVisible(thePopup, true);
// prevent the popup from closing
// through a OnMouseDown on the body
// for a short period of time
hidetimer = setTimeout("activateOnHide();", 200);
// Closes the current popup (if any) and
// kills the close timer.
function doClosePopup()
closetimer = null;
if (thePopup != null) {
setElementVisible(thePopup, false);
thePopup = null;
// Initiates closing the popup if
// * Hiding is not blocked by the hidetimer, or
// * the popup is already being closed
function closePopup()
if ((hidetimer != null) || (closetimer != null)) {
// to give clicked links a chance for
// begin activated, the actual closing
// is delayed a little.
closetimer = setTimeout("doClosePopup();", 400);
// Fixed header area functions
var scrollbaroffsetright = 0;
var scrollbaroffsetbottom = 4;
// Sets up the non-scrolling region and scroll area
// must be called whenever the window size changes
function doSetupFixedHeader()
if (document.body.clientWidth == 0)
var divFixed = findElement("areafixed");
var divScroll = findElement("areascroll");
if (divScroll == null)
if (divFixed != null) {
if (navigator.family == 'ie4') {
document.body.scroll = "no"
divFixed.style.width = document.body.offsetWidth - 1;
divScroll.style.paddingRight = "20px";
divScroll.style.overflow= "auto";
var clientarea = new Rectangle;
divScroll.style.width = clientarea.width - scrollbaroffsetright;
if (clientarea.height > divFixed.offsetHeight + scrollbaroffsetbottom) {
var h = clientarea.height - (divFixed.offsetHeight + scrollbaroffsetbottom);
divScroll.style.height = h;
else {
divScroll.style.height = 0
// makes the page scoll normally so
// the print out will look ok.
function doBeforePrinting() {
var i;
if (window.text) {
document.all.text.style.height = "auto";
for (i=0; i < document.all.length; i++){
if (document.all[i].tagName == "BODY") {
document.all[i].scroll = "yes";
if (document.all[i].id == "areafixed") {
document.all[i].style.margin = "0px 0px 0px 0px";
document.all[i].style.width = "100%";
if (document.all[i].id == "areascroll") {
document.all[i].style.overflow = "visible";
document.all[i].style.top = "5px";
document.all[i].style.width = "100%";
document.all[i].style.padding = "0px 10px 0px 30px";
// reloads the page to reset after changes
// in doBeforePrinting().
function reloadPage() {
// Expand/Collapse storage functions
var collapseStateCookieName = "DOM_Collapsed_Sections"
var collapsePersistenceName = "domdocSettings"
// If we create browser based HTML files, this variable will be true
var useCookies = false;
// If we create HTML Help or Help 2, this variable will be true
var usePersistence = true;
// Cookie helper functions
// from http://www.quirksmode.org/js/cookies.html
function createCookie(name,value,days)
var expires = "";
if (days) {
var date = new Date();
expires = "; expires="+date.toGMTString();
document.cookie = name+"="+value+expires+"; path=/";
function readCookie(name)
var nameEQ = name + "=";
var ca = document.cookie.split(';');
for(var i=0;i < ca.length;i++) {
var c = ca[i];
while (c.charAt(0)==' ') c = c.substring(1,c.length);
if (c.indexOf(nameEQ) == 0) return c.substring(nameEQ.length,c.length);
return null;
function eraseCookie(name)
// Persistence functions for use in HTML Help and Help 2
// This variable temporarily holds the collapsed section
// ids until the get stored using persistence.
var persistentCollapsedIDs = "";
// Saves the persistent data from our temporary
// variable which holds the value to the persistent
// storage.
function savePersistentData()
var id = "persistenceDiv";
var pdiv = document.getElementById(id);
if (pdiv != null) {
try {
pdiv.setAttribute("collapsedIDs", persistentCollapsedIDs);
} catch (e) {
// HTML Help may trigger an exception
// Loads the persistent data from the persistent
// storage into our temporary variable which holds
// the value for further use.
function loadPersistentData()
persistentCollapsedIDs = "";
var id = "persistenceDiv";
var pdiv = document.getElementById(id);
if (pdiv != null) {
try {
var data = pdiv.getAttribute("collapsedIDs");
if (data != null) {
persistentCollapsedIDs = data;
catch (e) {
// HTML Help may trigger an exception
// Removes the persistent data from the storage.
function removePersistenceData()
var id = "persistenceDiv";
var pdiv = document.getElementById(id);
if (pdiv != null) {
try {
catch (e) {
// HTML Help may trigger an exception
// Saves the persistent data to our temporary variable that
// acts as storage while the page is being displayed.
function savePersistentKey(key, value)
persistentCollapsedIDs = value;
// Returns the content in our temporary variable that
// acts as storage while the page is being displayed.
function loadPersistentKey(key)
return persistentCollapsedIDs;
// Clears our temporary variable and erases
// the value from the persistent storage.
function removePersitentKey(key)
persistentCollapsedIDs = "";
// Collapsed section storage functions
// Saves the ID list in ids either using
// cookies or persistent storage,
// depending on what we use right now.
function saveExpandState(ids)
if (useCookies) {
createCookie(collapseStateCookieName, ids, 14); // we store the cookie for 14 days
} else if (usePersistence) {
savePersistentKey(collapsePersistenceName, ids);
// Loads the collapsed ID list either from
// cookies or persistent storage,
// depending on what we use right now.
function loadExpandState()
var data = "";
if (useCookies) {
data = readCookie(collapseStateCookieName);
} else if (usePersistence) {
data = loadPersistentKey(collapsePersistenceName);
return data;
// Removes the collapsed ID list either from
// cookies or persistent storage,
// depending on what we use right now.
function eraseExpandState()
if (useCookies) {
} else if (usePersistence) {
// Adds an ID to a list of IDs
function doAddId(res, addId)
var result = res;
if (result != "") {
result = result + ",";
result = result + addId;
return result;
// Converts the stored id into a div and
// img Id an calls the showing function
function doShowHideCollapsedId(id, visible)
var imgid = "img" + id;
var divid = "div" + id;
internalToggleVisibilityEx(imgid, divid, false, "", !visible, visible, "btn_expand_large.gif", "btn_collapse_large.gif");
// Goes through the list of Ids passed in ids and
// either adds a new ID, remove an ID, collapses
// or expands the elements in the list.
// Returns:
// The new list of IDs.
// Parameters:
// ids - a string with the list of IDs, separated
// by commas, ("ID1,ID2,ID3").
// addId - an ID to be added to the list.
// removeId - an ID to be removed from the list.
// collapsIds - a boolean that indicates if the elements
// in the list shall be collapsed.
// expandIds - a boolean that indicates if the elements
// in the list shall be expanded.
function processCollapsedIds(ids, addId, removeId, collapsIds, expandIds)
var result = "";
var idlist = ids;
while (idlist.length > 0) {
var id = "";
var idx = idlist.indexOf(',');
if (idx >= 0) {
id = idlist.substring(0, idx);
idlist = idlist.substring(idx+1);
} else {
id = idlist;
idlist = "";
if (collapsIds) {
doShowHideCollapsedId(id, false);
if (expandIds) {
doShowHideCollapsedId(id, true);
// check if add Id is
// already in the list
// so we don't add it twice
if (addId.length > 0) {
if (id == addId) {
addId = "";
// if the Id doesn't match
// removeId, we preserve it.
if (removeId.length > 0) {
if (id == removeId) {
id = "";
if (id.length > 0) {
result = doAddId(result, id);
// if addId was not removed
// we add it.
if (addId != "") {
result = doAddId(result, addId);
return result;
// Reads the current collapse list and adds or
// removes an ID to/from it.
function modifyCollapseState(addid, removeid)
var ids = loadExpandState();
if (ids == null) {
ids = "";
ids = processCollapsedIds(ids, addid, removeid, false, false);
if (ids != "") {
} else {
// Depending on visibility, removes or adds
// an ID to the collaps list.
function saveVisibilityState(id, visible)
if (visible) {
modifyCollapseState("", id);
} else {
modifyCollapseState(id, "");
// Restores the collaps states of all
// stored elements.
function loadCollapseStates()
var ids = loadExpandState();
if (ids != null) {
processCollapsedIds(ids, "", "", true, false);
// this is the initial state the sections
// are displayed in.
var currentSectionStateExpanded = true;
// toggles the expand state of all sections
// identified by "ids" and updates the link
// text and link image.
function ToggleAllElements(ids, linkTextID, imgID, collapseAllText, expandAllText)
var link = document.getElementById(linkTextID);
var img = document.getElementById(imgID);
if (ids != null) {
processCollapsedIds(ids, "", "", currentSectionStateExpanded, !currentSectionStateExpanded);
currentSectionStateExpanded = !currentSectionStateExpanded;
if (link != null) {
if (currentSectionStateExpanded) {
link.innerHTML = collapseAllText;
} else {
link.innerHTML = expandAllText;
if (img != null) {
if (currentSectionStateExpanded) {
img.src = "btn_collapse.gif";
} else {
img.src = "btn_expand.gif";
// Dynamic Index Display
// trims search text and converts to uppercase
function IndexPrepareSearchText(text)
text = text.replace( /^\s+/g, "" );// strip leading
text = text.replace( /\s+$/g, "" );// strip trailing
text = text.toUpperCase();
return text;
function IndexMatchesEntry(entry, text)
if ((entry[0].indexOf(text) >= 0) || (entry[1].indexOf(text) >= 0)) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
function GetQuote()
return unescape("%22");
function IndexPrintEntry(text, url, divclass)
var result = "";
var target = "";
result = "<div class=" + GetQuote() + divclass + GetQuote() + ">";
if (url.length > 0) {
if (target.length > 0) {
result = result + "<a href=" + GetQuote() + url + GetQuote() + " target=" + GetQuote() + target + GetQuote() + ">";
} else {
result = result + "<a href=" + GetQuote() + url + GetQuote() + ">";
result = result + text;
if (url.length > 0) {
result = result + "</a>";
result = result + "</div>";
return result;
function IndexGetEntry(lastentry, entry, classmain, classsub)
var result = "";
var printmainentry = true;
var printsubentry = false;
var urlmainentry = "";
var urlsubentry = "";
if (entry[1].length > 0) {
printsubentry = true;
if (lastentry != null) {
if (lastentry[0] == entry[0]) {
printmainentry = false;
if ((printmainentry) && (!printsubentry)) {
urlmainentry = entry[2];
if (printsubentry) {
urlsubentry = entry[2];
if (printmainentry) {
result = result + IndexPrintEntry(entry[3], urlmainentry, classmain);
if (printsubentry) {
result = result + IndexPrintEntry(entry[4], urlsubentry, classsub);
return result;
var searchTimer = null;
var currentSearchText = "";
var searchDynamicDivID = "";
var searchResultDivID = "";
var searchClassMainEntry = "";
var searchClassSubEntry = "";
function IndexClearSearchTimer()
if (searchTimer != null) {
searchTimer = null;
return true;
function DoIndexSearch()
var dynamicdiv, resultdiv;
var entry, lastentry, cnt, k, searchtext;
var outputHTML = "";
dynamicdiv = document.getElementById(searchDynamicDivID);
resultdiv = document.getElementById(searchResultDivID);
if ((dynamicdiv != null) && (resultdiv != null)) {
cnt = 0;
searchtext = IndexPrepareSearchText(currentSearchText);
if (searchtext.length > 0) {
lastentry = null;
for(k = 0; k < theIndex.length; k++) {
entry = theIndex[k];
if (IndexMatchesEntry(entry, searchtext)) {
outputHTML = outputHTML + IndexGetEntry(lastentry, entry, searchClassMainEntry, searchClassSubEntry);
lastentry = entry;
if (cnt > 0) {
resultdiv.innerHTML = outputHTML;
dynamicdiv.style.display = '';
} else {
dynamicdiv.style.display = 'none';
return true;
// instant index search invoked by pressing the search button
function IndexSearch(text, dynamicdivid, resultdivid, classmain, classsub)
currentSearchText = text;
searchDynamicDivID = dynamicdivid;
searchResultDivID = resultdivid;
searchClassMainEntry = classmain;
searchClassSubEntry = classsub;
// delayed index search invoked when entering text in the search field.
function IndexDelaySearch(text, dynamicdivid, resultdivid, classmain, classsub)
if (text != currentSearchText) {
currentSearchText = text;
searchDynamicDivID = dynamicdivid;
searchResultDivID = resultdivid;
searchClassMainEntry = classmain;
searchClassSubEntry = classsub;
searchTimer = setTimeout("DoIndexSearch();", 500);
return true;
// event handlers
// Process key input
function ieKey()
if (window.event.keyCode == 27) {
// Called when the brower window resizes
function onResizeWindow()
doSetupFixedHeader(); //resize the scroll area
function fixMoniker()
var curURL = document.location + ".";
var pos = curURL.indexOf("mk:@MSITStore");
if( pos == 0 ) {
alert("old URL: " + curURL);
curURL = "ms-its:" + curURL.substring(14,curURL.length-1);
alert("replacing URL with: " + curURL);
return false;
} else {
return true;
// Initialize the Header
function onBodyLoad()
document.onkeypress = ieKey;
window.onresize = onResizeWindow;
if (navigator.family == 'ie4') {
window.onbeforeprint = doBeforePrinting;
window.onafterprint = reloadPage;
// if we use persistence we
// load the settings now
if (usePersistence) {
window.onunload = onUnloadWindow;
// restore collapsed sections
// used to save settings to the persistent
// storage if we use it.
function onUnloadWindow()
if (usePersistence) {
// called if we're using framesets in
function onBodyLoadEx(framesetfile, targetframe, topicfile)
loadFrameSetOrTitle(framesetfile, targetframe, topicfile);
return true;
// Process mouse down events, close open popups
// and realign the fixed header area.
function onBodyMouseDown()
// Opens the big version of an image in a secondary window
function openBigImage(image)
window.open(image, "_blank", "toolbar=no,status=no,menubar=no,resizable=yes");
return true;
function switchImage(img, src)
img.src = src;
return true;
// opens a mail window and fills the
// address, subject and body
function sendFeedback(mailto, subject, body)
var href = "mailto:" + mailto + "?subject=" + subject + "&body=" + body;
window.open(href, "_top");
// Browser detection
// Source: http://devedge.netscape.com/toolbox/examples/2002/xb/ua/
/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
* Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
* 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
* WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
* for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
* License.
* The Original Code is Netscape code.
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
* Netscape Corporation.
* Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2001
* the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s): Bob Clary <bclary@netscape.com>
* ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
function xbDetectBrowser()
var oldOnError = window.onerror;
var element = null;
window.onerror = null;
// work around bug in xpcdom Mozilla 0.9.1
window.saveNavigator = window.navigator;
navigator.OS = '';
navigator.version = parseFloat(navigator.appVersion);
navigator.org = '';
navigator.family = '';
var platform;
if (typeof(window.navigator.platform) != 'undefined')
platform = window.navigator.platform.toLowerCase();
if (platform.indexOf('win') != -1)
navigator.OS = 'win';
else if (platform.indexOf('mac') != -1)
navigator.OS = 'mac';
else if (platform.indexOf('unix') != -1 || platform.indexOf('linux') != -1 || platform.indexOf('sun') != -1)
navigator.OS = 'nix';
var i = 0;
var ua = window.navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
if (ua.indexOf('opera') != -1)
i = ua.indexOf('opera');
navigator.family = 'opera';
navigator.org = 'opera';
navigator.version = parseFloat('0' + ua.substr(i+6), 10);
else if ((i = ua.indexOf('msie')) != -1)
navigator.org = 'microsoft';
navigator.version = parseFloat('0' + ua.substr(i+5), 10);
if (navigator.version < 4)
navigator.family = 'ie3';
navigator.family = 'ie4'
else if (ua.indexOf('gecko') != -1)
navigator.family = 'gecko';
var rvStart = ua.indexOf('rv:');
var rvEnd = ua.indexOf(')', rvStart);
var rv = ua.substring(rvStart+3, rvEnd);
var rvParts = rv.split('.');
var rvValue = 0;
var exp = 1;
for (var i = 0; i < rvParts.length; i++)
var val = parseInt(rvParts[i]);
rvValue += val / exp;
exp *= 100;
navigator.version = rvValue;
if (ua.indexOf('netscape') != -1)
navigator.org = 'netscape';
else if (ua.indexOf('compuserve') != -1)
navigator.org = 'compuserve';
navigator.org = 'mozilla';
else if ((ua.indexOf('mozilla') !=-1) && (ua.indexOf('spoofer')==-1) && (ua.indexOf('compatible') == -1) && (ua.indexOf('opera')==-1)&& (ua.indexOf('webtv')==-1) && (ua.indexOf('hotjava')==-1))
var is_major = parseFloat(navigator.appVersion);
if (is_major < 4)
navigator.version = is_major;
i = ua.lastIndexOf('/')
navigator.version = parseFloat('0' + ua.substr(i+1), 10);
navigator.org = 'netscape';
navigator.family = 'nn' + parseInt(navigator.appVersion);
else if ((i = ua.indexOf('aol')) != -1 )
// aol
navigator.family = 'aol';
navigator.org = 'aol';
navigator.version = parseFloat('0' + ua.substr(i+4), 10);
else if ((i = ua.indexOf('hotjava')) != -1 )
// hotjava
navigator.family = 'hotjava';
navigator.org = 'sun';
navigator.version = parseFloat(navigator.appVersion);
window.onerror = oldOnError;